Compiler version: 10.2017
When the compiler was restructured by using the new scanner PASSCAN, it was possible to show the compiler messages and the corresponding source lines at the terminal (= File OUTPUT), too.
The older versions of the compiler only showed the error number under the corresponding line in the compiler listing; at the terminal, only the total error count and the line number of the last error was shown. So the developer had to open the listing, locate the line of the last error and go from there to the previous error and so on.
The terminal output of the new version looks like this:
that is: we have two errors here in line 90 and line 100; the source lines are shown at the terminal, the messages and the position within the line where the error was found.
At the end, we have a "Compiler Summary", which shows the number of errors, other statistics (like before), the line number of the last message (although not really needed now), and then a summary of all error types that have occured - much the same as in prior releases.
BTW: these errors would not have occured on the mainframe; the mixed range expressions (hexadecimal and "normal" notation) are not portable and lead to syntax errors on Windows (only). In a future release I have the plan to show warnings on such expressions even on platforms where there is no error.