Compiler version: 05.2017
With the help of Rene Jansen, the Stanford Pascal compiler was tested on two new targets:
- (modern) z/OS ... in fact, Rene tried it on a z/OS V1 R8. Some issues were the program name of the linkage editor (must be IEWL on modern systems) and the UNIT=xxx name for the temporary datasets, which had to be customized according to the needs of the local installation. Furthermore, a dataset had to be defined (PO, LRECL 80, RECFM F) to hold the DBGINFO members, which are needed even in the case when no debugging support is desired
- and Mac OS. Rene discovered that the method to assign external names to Pascal files (environment variables with prefix DD:) is not valid on all platforms, because the colon is not accepted on all platforms inside the names of environment variables. So we decided to change that to DD_
for example:
to assign an external filename EINGABE.TXT with optional path information to the Pascal file INPUT, you have to code (on Windows):
Many thanks to Rene for his interest in the compiler and his support !!
Excerpts from the z/OS Compile Job