Compiler version: 05.2017
I am discussing the best way to distribute the MVS version of the compiler with Juergen Winckelmann; maybe there will be a tape based distribution in the next days or weeks.
Part of the distribution will be some JCL procedures, that should be copied to SYS2.PROCLIB on installation. These procedures allow for easy use of the compiler and are named after the usual MVS convention:
PASNC (to compile only),
PASNCL (compile and link),
PASNCG (compile and go),
PASNCLG (compile, link and go).
The compiler files should be copied at installation time to datasets with a high level qualified (HLQ) of your choice; I am using PASCALN. You should not use PASCAL, because that is used by the old (1979) Stanford Pascal version which is part of the TK3 and TK4- distribution. The HLQ can be specified on call to the JCL procedures, but defaults to PASCALN.
Here is how your compile jobs could look:
This is for compile and go; no load library needed; and no particular input and output files for the GO step in this case.
With a linker step, and with some assignments for the GO step:
This is how the JCL procedure PASNCLG is defined: