On 4/9/2011 11:50 AM, Bernd Oppolzer wrote:
> Many algorithms, for example quicksort or walking thru binary trees
> or inserting into balanced trees like AVL trees etc., need to be written
> as recursive functions or procedures. If you want to do this in ASSEMBLER,
> you have to do all the housekeeping etc. to get the many incarnations of
> variables of the recursive invocations of that functions. Or, you need
> arrays to simulate the recursion stack etc., which means storage management.
> Anyway, you have to deal with it. This management has to be done by
> the ASSEMBLER programmer.
Our register save/stacking macro allows for the creation of 'automatic'
variables in assembler. (They are on the stack.) We use recursion all the time
without giving it a second thought. I assume most serious assembler language
software developers have infrastructures with similar capabilities. I could be